APC Support Limited

Summary of Experience Templates

– Sample Competency –


The RICS use a plagiarism software and this template is used by numerous candidates.

It is imperative that you make the effort to rephrase the statements within this template in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you could be banned from the APC for several years.

The sample below is an extract of our level 2 template for Communication and Negotiation. This sample is copyrighted to APC Support Limited and should not be used, copied, shared, reproduced or distributed by any means without the prior written authorisation by a director of APC Support Limited.

Communication and Negotiation

Level 2

Wordcount target: 110 words

Note: You must imperatively include one example on communication and one on negotiation.


I delivered a presentation on xxxxxx for Project XYZ [OR I delivered a presentation on xxxxx during an internal team meeting]. I prepared this presentation by xxxxxxxxx. I opted to use xxxxx [PowerPoint presentation, interactive workshop, verbal presentation only, pre-issued report, etc.] because xxxxxx.

On Project XYZ, I usually email my monthly financial report to my client and discuss it in a meeting a week later. However xxxxx arose and I believed that it was necessary to communicate differently with my client. I arranged  a video conference with my client and the architect to discuss the issue and followed up with a brief report summarising the potential cost, programme and quality implications prior to incorporation into my monthly report. [Please amend to reflect your actions in your specific project. This example can be changed for any situation when you had to change your communication strategy with other parties either because the original strategy failed, or because circumstances changed.]

I was responsible for chairing and minuting meetings in project XYZ. I circulated the agenda a few days in advance which included health and safety, progress, commercial matters, design changes, etc. I ensured that the meeting followed the agenda and I took note of a couple of complex issues that would require a separate, smaller meeting to manage time efficiently. I compiled and distributed the minutes on the following day, trying to keep records concise but precise. [Please amend to reflect your actions and issues in your specific project.]


On Project XYZ, I negotiated the value of a variation [or an extension of time, loss and expenses, site access with a neighbour, planning conditions with LA, etc. Anything not too complex will be fine.] relating to xxxx with the contractor [or client, or subcontractor]. I carefully checked our contractual entitlement with my director [or legal advisor / client’s solicitor] and collated all the facts such as xxxxxxx. I issued my calculation to the contractor / client / subcontractor a couple of days before the meeting to give them time to review them. During the meeting, I identified that they could not agree a figure below [or above] xxxx without being financially penalised. In order to find a win-win solution, I agreed to their figure in exchange for a one-week free of liquidated damages. [Please amend to reflect your specific negotiations. You must demonstrate that you understand the other party’s predicament but you should never bully them into accepting a lose-win solution. If you feel that their best offer is not fair on your organisation, you need to throw in something that will benefit both parties. Remember that a compromise (going 50/50) is a lazy approach and not acceptable for the APC. Please refer to ‘Getting to Yes’ by Fisher and Ury for more details.]